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We use cookies to optimize your experience on our website. They include cookies for the operation and optimization of the website and cookies for services, such as the display of share prices or Google Maps, as well as content based on your online usage behavior. They enable the system to tell if you repeatedly visit our website from the same device, for example. We want to give you the choice of which cookies you choose to allow:

These cookies are essential for you to navigate the website and use key functions. Required cookies cookies enable the basic functions of the website. They are also used for the anonymized analysis of user behavior, which helps us to continuously improve our website for you.

These cookies help us to improve our understanding of user behavior. Analytics cookies allow the collection of usage and identification data by first- or third-party providers in pseudonymized user profiles. Some examples of our uses of analytics cookies are to determine the number of individual visitors to a website or a service, to collect statistical data on the performance of our products, and to analyze user behavior and interaction with the website, based on anonymous and pseudonymous information. This information cannot be traced back to an individual.

When you visit Deutsche Telekom AG's websites, cookies or similar technologies record data and send it to third parties, in part for Deutsche Telekom AG’s own purposes. The scope, purpose and legal basis on which further processing is carried out for the third party provider’s own purposes can be found in the third party’s data privacy information. Information on the independent third party providers can be found in the data privacy information.